Lucia di Lammermoor

Date Time
January 23, 2024


Augsburg State Theater - Martini Park
Provinostraße 52
86153 Augsburg

Opera by Gaetano Donizetti

Presentation with surtitles and description

Donizetti presents the tragic love story of “Lucy” from the “Lammermuir Hills” in true Italian bel canto, as the Scotsman Walter Scott immortalized it in his novel. The Berlin director Hinrich Horstkotte, who most recently staged “Freischütz” in Augsburg, devotes himself to the popular opera with an unbiased view. He not only directs, but also designs the costumes.

Lucia is caught between love and family duty: her brother Enrico demands her marriage to Arturo, but Lucia loves Enrico's enemy Edgardo. Various intrigues, a forced marriage and the loss of Edgardo cause Lucia to lose her mind. Gaetano Donizetti's most famous bel canto opera uses elements of gothic romanticism and impressively combines them with the moving emotionality of his music.

Please book via the Visitor service, so that you from the Benefit from special prices at these performances: flat rate 11 euros for a severely disabled person's card with a mark, free entry for an accompanying person with a mark "B".