Guided tour with sign language interpreter to the highlights of the Archaeological Museum Frankfurt

Führung mit Gebärdensprachdolmetscherin zu den Highlights des Archäologischen Museums Frankfurt

Date Time
28 April 2024
14:30 - 15:30


Archaeological Museum Frankfurt
Karmelitergasse 1
60311 Frankfurt am Main

Maria Meßner MA, curator for mediation, accompanied by sign language interpreter Yvonne Barilaro, leads visitors through various eras of the city of Frankfurt, including the Stone Age and the Iron Age-Roman period. Participants have the opportunity to see impressive finds such as a 200,000-year-old hand axe and the "prince's grave" from the city forest and learn more about their significance. Another highlight of the tour is the Roman NIDA, an important Roman administrative city from the 2nd to 3rd century AD. Participants get an insight into life in a Roman settlement not far from the border of the Roman Empire, the Limes.

The Archaeological Museum Frankfurt strives to offer all visitors a barrier-free museum experience. Guided tours with sign language interpreters are an integral part of this.

The number of places for the tour with sign language interpreter is limited, please register at

Date: Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. 
Meeting point: Archaeological Museum, Foyer, Karmelitergasse 1, Frankfurt am Main
Duration: approx. 60 minutes
Admission: €10.00 / €5.00, no guide fee – admission is free for children and young people up to 18 years of age and for Friends of the Archaeological Museum
This tour is sponsored by the Friends of the Archaeological Museum Frankfurt.

Image: Jupiter giant pillars, © AMF